+5999 683 5626

Klein Curaçao

Departure time

09:45 AM


Jan Thiel Beach (Zanzibar Beach & Restaurant)


6 h

Transfer time

+- 45 minutes to get to the island
30 minutes to come back


Barbecue lunch (vegetarian options possible)
Snorkel sets


$ 169 per persoon
$ 135 for children 6 – 12 old
Powerboat Caribbean

Welcome to the fastest tour operator to Klein Curacao!

Welcome to the fastest tour operator to Klein Curacao!

The uninhabited island of Klein Curaçao is a must-visit on your vacation here. With a transfer time or approx. 45 minutes the Powerboat is the fastest tour operator to this beautiful island.
The moment we get to Klein Curaçao is simply magical. The pristine white beach with crystal blue water is SO beautiful!

Enjoy a day offline.. Visit the characteristic lighthouse and the shipwrecks. It is possible to spot sea turtles or stingrays when you are snorkeling on Klein Curaçao. Enjoy unlimited drinks all day long and a freshly prepared barbecue lunch on the island. Our experienced captains & crew are staying with you on the island for entertainment and to answer any questions you may have.
Powerboat Caribbean

What makes this Powerboat tour to Klein Curaçao so special?

Powerboat Caribbean

What makes this Powerboat tour to Klein Curaçao so special?

We will happily provide you with some reasons why this tour is a must-do:


A Powerboat-tour is a true attraction in itself. With our fast RIB boats we can turn at the waves like no other boat can. You can compare it to a crossover between jet skiing and horse riding. 

Once we get to Klein Curaçao you can relax, snorkel and explore this beautiful bounty island. When we head back in the afternoon it is again time for action & adventure. We call it the best of both worlds: relaxing on a beautiful beach AND an adrenaline experience.


If you want to do an excursion to Klein Curacao island and get there FAST this is your tour! We take only +- 45 minutes to reach the island because we have speedboats. This makes us, Powerboat Caribbean, the fastest tour operator to the island (other boats take up to 2 hours). Going back takes only 30 minutes! You will be back around 4 pm so you can enjoy the main island a little more. Other boats don’t get back until 5.30-6 pm. 


If you have ever been seasick there is only one thing you want: to never experience that again! The only way to make the chance of getting seasick as small is possible is by going fast! Every movement that is slow and rocking will disrupt your balance. This is why on the Powerboat people hardly get seasick, we go fast and we reach the island in +- 45 minutes. And if you would get sick, at least you reach the island fast so you can get off the boat. 


Because we focus on small groups a day with the Powerboat will be the highlight of your vacation. Skip mass tourism and support a small, family-owned company with local employees. Our friendly crew & captains love to chat with you and give you recommendations for fun things to do. You will have a maximum of 18 people on a boat which allows for a personal experience. 

What do you need to know about this tour?

What do you need to know about this tour?

The way out to Klein Curaçao is against the waves and the current, it is a super cool experience! Very important is that you move with the boat. Our experienced captains have safety as their priority. On some days the ride takes a little longer than 45 minutes, on others it is shorter. This all depends on the wind and the waves which varies per day. If the ocean conditions are too rough to go out we will discuss alternatives with you. This tour is not suitable if you have neck- back or other pains. We also cannot allow pregnant women to join.

Please be mindful that you may get wet during this tour. We are a boat, not a bus 😉 When we reach Klein Curaçao you have to get in the water until your waist to reach the main land. Then we will make a line to get all the bags and other equipment to shore. There is shade on the island: there are several palapa huts where we will put the coolers and the barbecue station. The palapa huts are partly private, partly public. Our advice is to bring a large beach towel to relax on. We do not have a toilet on the island but if you ask nicely other tour operators sometimes let you use theirs.

Around 1 pm we serve a delicious barbecue lunch with freshly grilled chicken and tenderloin + salads. Then around 3 pm we start packing up to head back to Curaçao. Going back takes us only 30 minutes! You will be back at the departure spot around 4 pm.

Please bring enough sunscreen, preferably reef-safe, for example of the brand Raw Elements. Please be mindful of sunscreen spray on the boat to protect our chairs. We recommend to bring a cap/hat and a UV shirt or rashguard. We also sell customized Powerboat UV-shirts that you can add to your booking and wear them on your tour!
Powerboat Caribbean


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Powerboat Caribbean